Send us your demo
We love to hear your demo, and would love for you to send us what you’ve got. But if you get to that point that you want to send us your demo, please do so yourself. Please do not hire a promotion company, or other company to do it for you.
We receive somewhere between 10 and 50 emails every day. Many of them from companies doing promotions for bands and artists. And we’re not saying promotion is a bad thing, but some of these companies sends us 10-15 emails a day, alone. And we are sure that we’re not the only once on that forward list. So it’s fair to say that these emails are drowning themselves.
When we receive e-mails from these companies, the e-mails end up directly in their own folders marked specifically for each of these pr-companies. They are often automatically marked as read without even being opened. We simply do not have the time or recourse to read that many emails each day, so we have to filter out the companies that sends the most.
And when such companies send out masses of emails like that, it unfortunately has a negative effect on people like us.
So if you really want your album, ep or single to be heard, please send it out yourself. We prioritize those emails, and we always give those emails a respons, wether is good or not.
There are many ways to send us you stuff. Sending all your content directly on an email is not recommended. It will most likely bounce back, seeing as our email server doesn’t allow for larger files to be received by us.
Google drive or Dropbox is a good way. Put your stuff on Google drive or Dropbox and share it with us, and we’ll check it out. Or if you want to have even more control over it, use a file transfering system. Then you will usually also get notified when it has been downloaded by us.
What to send?
Well, you music of course. Even if it’s not done yet. As long as you’re having you tracks mixed and mastered by professionals, we don’t mind hearing the raw tapes.
And we also want to know about the band, your discog and links to your social medias. So send us some notes about that to.
What we don’t need or want
We do not need all your promotion-stuff right of the bat. If we both decide to make a deal, we will take care of that later.
If you have no plans on mixing and mastering your music, we will not most likely not be interested. Mixing and mastering is there for a reason. It makes music bareable to listen to for more then a few minutes. And also, please let the pro’s do that. Mastering your own stuff is more than often a recipe for desaster.
Allready released music… No thank you. Wherever you music might have been uploaded to, YouTube, BandCamp, SoundCloud… If it is uploaded to the internet, it’s allready released. Congrats, you dont need a label. It doesn’t matter if the place you uploaded it to is free for all, or that you can just take it down. Your music is allready registered as a self-release. Our label do not promote self-releases. So if your music is uploaded anywhere that is open to the public ear, Whispering Voice Records will not be interested. We only operate with unreleased music.
Half-composed ideas. As we stated earlier, we don’t mind listening to raw tapes as long as you have plans to mix and master it, professionally. As long as you know that your recording-stage is done. That being said, some riffs thrown together in a rehearsing-rom is not it. If you’re music is done and ready to go on to the next stage, which would be the mixing/mastering stage, THEN you’ve finished the recording, and we’ll be more than eager to listen.