Fjord – Out now
Finally the date has arrived, and Nidhögs debut-ep is live. The ep delivers powerfull and melodic black metal. The quartett sets out to bring the second wave of Norwegian black metal back, and is on the path with this debut.
‘Fjord’ er også et prisverdig stykke arbeid til å være første gang Nidhög gir lyd fra seg, og byr på akkurat passe velprodusert, melodisk og kraftfull svartmetall.
Metallurgi.org (In Norwegian)
The ep is produced, mixed and mastered by none other than Tom Kvålsvoll at Kvalsonic Lab, who’s done mastering bands like 1349, Arcturus, Emperor, Borknagar and Darkthrone, to mention a few.
The band is allready working on what is to become their second release, and their first full length album. It’s not hard to see what goals the band sets for themselves
Let’s just say that the next one is more of melodic blackend death metal, should also say that the third disc should be back to atmospheric black metal. We want variety, but no matter what, everything is Nidhög.
So lots of exhiting stuff to look out for from these guys in the future.
Anyways, the album is out on all streaming-services and also available in our store.